Filing Mechanics Liens in Connecticut
If you are a contractor, subcontractor, or home improvement professional, you have probably heard people in the industry talking about mechanics liens. It is, in essence, a debt collection tool, to protect your business against losses from the investment of material and labor into the property of a customer or client.
What is a mechanics lien?
A mechanics lien is a right created by statute (Connecticut General Statutes Section 49-33). A mechanics lien is a document that is signed under oath and filed on the land records which protects a claim against real estate property for unpaid improvements (materials AND labor) upon that property.
Who may file mechanics liens?
ANY PERSON (or company) can file a mechanics lien if:
- they had an agreement with or the consent of the owner of the property or their agent
- they furnished materials, supplies or services with respect to that agreement
- the claim is for more than ten dollars ($10.00).
How long do I have to file a Mechanics Lien?
You have 90 days from completion of the project. The actual last day will depend on the circumstances of the work/project. IF THE LIEN IS NOT RECORDED ON THE LAND RECORDS WITHIN 90 DAYS OF THE LAST DAY OF WORK IT IS NOT ENFORCEABLE!
How does a Mechanics Lien help me get paid?
A mechanics lien in itself does not force the owner of the real estate to pay you. However, once recorded on the land records, it makes sure that anybody looking into the property know that the owner owes money for improvements on the house, and the lien will have to be paid off before there can be a transfer of title. Meaning, if the property ever gets sold, you get paid from the sale proceeds.
Connecticut Mechanics Lien Lawyer
At Glouzgal Law PLLC, we represent many contractors, sub-contractor and home improvement professionals such as builders, electricians, landscapers, roofers, stone workers, plumbers, welders, fabricators and carpenters, just to name a few. When our clients are having issues collecting the money they earned, it puts a strain on their cash flow and therefore their business health and personal life. We help our clients protect their legal rights by drafting and recording mechanics liens that are enforceable and get them paid for their work. If you need help drafting and recording mechanics liens in Connecticut, please give us a call at 203-740-1400 or 203-885-0500.