Firm Practice Areas

what to do with a will after death

Estate Planning – Wills, Trusts, Living Wills, POA’s

Estate Planning Lawyer

Serving all of Connecticut, New York State & New York City

Custom Estate Plans

Your Estate Plan is a very personal matter. It is an opportunity to plan your legacy: to speak for yourself, one last time, after your death.

  • Who will handle the financial affairs and probate when you pass away?
  • Who will make sure your family and close friends are provided for?
  • Who will take care of your children?
  • What will happen to your remains?
  • Who will care for your pets?
  • What will happen to your firearms?

These and many more are all of the questions that you can answer in your estate documents, Last Will and Testament, or provide for in your Trust.

You can also plan for who will make decisions on your behalf in case of your incapacity.

Estate Plans can be complicated or relatively simple. Like the clients we serve, no two estate plans are alike.

Estate plans vary from simple powers of attorney and directives allowing certain individuals to carry on your affairs in case of death or incapacity, to relatively basic wills that provide for last wishes and distribute remaining assets, to complex trust agreements that can allow you to do just about anything with your assets.

For individuals and families with relatively few assets and relatively low risk of sudden life changing circumstances, a Will based plan may suffice. Will based plans also include any “ancillary” documents such as a health care directive (“living will”), financial power of attorney, medical power of attorney, HIPAA authorizations, and child protection plan. Will Based plans are:

If you are the type of person that does not want the details of your estate to become a public record, you might consider the option of setting up a trust to transfer your property upon death (or sooner). Unlike a will, a trust is a private document that will not be filed with the probate court. Depending on the complexity of your situation, the value of your estate, and what you are looking to accomplish, there are different types of trusts available to accomplish your goals.

What is the estate planning process?

  1. Introductory Consultation meeting – the introductory meeting is for me to get to know you and your family dynamic, and get an understanding of your assets and your goals for those assets. I will need to ask personal questions some people might consider to be private; be prepared for that, with the understanding that all conversations remain confidential. I will make a general recommendation for the type of estate plan you need and you will be able to ask me any questions you might about estate planning or the estate planning process. All Introductory Consultations are free of charge. 
  2. Engagement Letter – After our introductory meeting, I will send over an engagement letter outline my services and fees for the type of estate plan I recommend for your situation. This is you officially hiring me. If you decide not to hire me, all communications remain confidential.
  3. Estate Plan Review – We will review your estate planning documents and if you want any revisions, we can discuss them and make any you decide you still want.
  4. Estate Plan Execution – Estate planning documents vary in their requirements for legally binding execution. We can accomplish all of this at my office and get everything signed correctly, witness, acknowledged, and so forth.
  5. Delivery – My office will put your estate plan into an easy to store and access binder for your convenience. Once ready, this can be picked up or delivered to you via FedEx.

All estate plans include unlimited revisions for 30 days after signing.


buyers real estate closing attorney

Real Estate

Attorney for Buying or Selling Real Property

Serving all of Connecticut, New York State & New York City

Purchase, Sale or Refinance Closings

Glouzgal Law PLLC helps clients all across Connecticut and New York with real estate related legal services. We help our clients accomplish their goals while limiting their liability and meeting their financial needs. Whether buying, selling, or refinancing your home, a business location, or an investment property or fighting a foreclosure by your lender or a tax authority, you will need the help of a Danbury real estate lawyer.

We represent both buyers and sellers in real estate closing transactions. While the exact steps are different in a sale or purchase of real estate, the services we provide are similar: We assist in negotiating and drafting the sales contract, compile information on mortgages and liens, handle the flow of money through escrow and the transfer of title via deed; all the while making sure our clients interests are protected from legal and financial liability.

If you own or are looking to buy property for a specific use, we can help you figure out if your use is allowed by local zoning regulations. We can also assist in filing special using permits with zoning, including town hall filings and zoning board meetings.

If you are looking to rent out real estate property but need a custom lease drafted, we can help you at a very reasonable cost. After a meeting with the client to discuss needs and goals of the rental arrangement we draft a custom lease that addresses those needs and goals. If things turn sour with your tenant, we help Landlords enforce their property rights through the eviction process.

Being foreclosed on by your bank, mortgage company, or a tax authority? There are a few options that you can choose from to meet your obligations. Being foreclosed on is not enjoyable, but our experienced foreclosure defense attorneys can help you limit the financial impact the foreclosure has on your life.

Make sure all your bases are covered by hiring a real estate attorney at Glouzgal Law PLLC to handle your real estate related legal matters. Contact us today by phone at 203-885-0500.

Business Succession

Attorney for Buying or Selling a Business

Buy, Sell or Transfer Business Interest

Serving all of Connecticut, New York State & New York City

Businesses are bought and sold for many reasons. Merger, retirement, relocation, children, health, new ideas….the reasons are as diverse as the types of businesses and their owners.

Whether you are buying or selling a business one thing is universal: you want to limit your liability. If you are buying the business you want to make sure you are not on the hook for those things that came before you. If you are selling the business, you want to make sure you are not on the hook for things that happen after you are gone.

In either case, you will want the guidance and assistance of an experienced business attorney to help you get through the business succession process.

Here are just some of the tasks we perform for our business succession clients:

Negotiate and Draft Asset Purchase Agreement and Ancillary Agreements

Perform Due Diligence on Both Business Entities

Issue Attorney Opinion Letters

Manage Purchase Funds Through Escrow

Transfer Physical Assets

Transfer Intellectual property

Draft and Record State Documents

Fix Problems That Come Up

Commercial Real Estate Attorney

Commercial Real Estate Closings – Buy or Sell – Retail, Office, Industrial, Land

Commercial Real Estate Attorney

Buy or Sell Commercial Real Estate Closings

Retail, Office, Industrial & Land

At Glouzgal Law PLLC we are always happy to help our business clients buy or sell commercial real estate property to meet their business needs and goals. Our experienced real estate attorneys and business attorneys make sure that our clients are fully protected when buying commercial real estate property. We can handle all negotiation, drafting, lender requirements, transfer documents, and funds through escrow.

For Buyers, we make sure the property is suitable for our clients purpose, that they are getting clear and marketable title, that they meet all lender requirements, and that they are fully informed the whole way.

For Sellers, we make sure that they have the legal right to sell the property, that all transfer documents are properly drafted, and that they can and do meet all of their obligations as Seller.

For all of our commercial real estate clients, WE ALWAYS MAKE SURE THE MONEY IS RIGHT.

What is a commercial real estate closing?

Commercial real estate closings involve real estate property that is either bought for business purposes, such as retail, office, industrial or land properties, and any property that is bought by a business for investment purposes. Therefore, a doctor buying office space, a store buying retail space, a manufacturer buying a factory and a business buying a condo to rent out or a house to flip, are all considered commercial real estate closings.

Are commercial real estate closing different from residential real estate closings?

Commercial real estate closings are different in a few keys ways from residential real estate closings.

  1. The level of paperwork is much greater – corporate documents will have to be drafted such as meeting minutes, corporate resolutions, corporate authorizations, and powers of attorney.
  2. Business health – the business must be properly formed and in good standing with the State of Connecticut. State documents and an Attorney Opinion Letter will have to be provided to interesting parties certifying the legal existence of the business.
  3. Zoning becomes much more important depending on the intended use of the property
  4. Certain loan packages are not available to business and investors
  5. Commercial real estate transactions are not covered by Consumer Protection Law, therefore the level of due diligence must be much greater.

What are the steps of a commercial real estate closing?

  1. Hire a commercial real estate attorney so that they are around to give advice and review documents before you sign them.
  2. Contact a real estate agent that specializes in commercial real estate and is familiar with the town in which you plan to buy property. The realtor will expect you to sign an Exclusive Right to Buy or Sell. This agreement between the realtor and the business should be the first document reviewed by a commercial real estate attorney.
  3. Once you find a property or a buyer for your property, the Buyer will make an Offer to Purchase to the Seller. While the Offer is not the final Purchase and Sale Contract, it could be binding and create liability for the business, and must therefore be reviewed by the commercial real estate attorney.
  4. The Purchase and Sale Contract must be negotiated and drafted. This contract will contain all of the terms of the transaction. This contract is binding and can created liability for the business and the individuals signing on its behalf. Certain contingencies must be negotiated, mostly to protect the Buyer. A Due Diligence period containing a mortgage contingency and an inspection contingency are the minimum requirements.
  5. There will be a due diligence period during which the Buyer will investigate the property to make sure it is fit for their purpose, to perform an inspection, to get a title search and municipal departments search, and to try and get a loan to buy the property. A UCC Lien and judgment search should also be performed to make sure there are no encumbrances on the property. Flaws discovered during the due diligence period should void any obligations under the contract.
  6. Documents must be compiled and drafted by Buyer’s Attorney to secure loans. Lenders have many documentation requirements for commercial real estate loans. The Buyer will need to establish legal existence for the business, prove that it is in good standing with the State, and draft internal documents such as corporate resolutions, authorizations, and certificates. there will also be title insurance policies that must be drafted and purchased.
  7. Documents will have to be drafted by Seller’s Attorney to transfer title. At minimum these involve a Deed to transfer title, an Owner’s Affidavit for the Buyer’s title insurance company, and a Non-Foreign Persons Affidavit so that funds do not have to be held in escrow after closing.
  8. The closing is conducted assuming all lender requirements are met and there are no title issues. The Buyer’s Attorney will compile purchase funds from the Lender (loan amount) and the Buyer (down payment, closing costs, hazard insurance, title insurance) and help the Buyer sign all of the Lender documents. The money is then exchanged for the Deed.
  9. There is follow through with the documentation such as recording the deed and mortgage on the land records, along with any powers of attorney or notices of lease, and all liens and encumbrances from the previous owner must be paid off and released. Once the Deed is recorded on the land records, the property now belongs to the Buyer.

What if the commercial real estate property is part of the purchase and sale of a business?

This can get a little complicated. It depends on whether the property is owned by the same business as is being sold, or by a separate holdings company. It depends on whether the entire business entity is being purchased, or only it’s assets. The steps that are affected the most are the offer and contract steps because they may be completely covered by the business purchase and sale contract.

What if the commercial real estate property already has tenants?

Many times commercial properties are purchased specifically because they already have paying tenants. If there are already tenants in the property, the Buyer will have a few options. First, leases between the Seller and the Tenants must be reviewed to see if they are voided by sale of the property, if they are assumable by the Buyer, or if they MUST BE ASSUMED by the Buyer (this should be done before the property is purchased). In all cases, either a new lease or an assumption of lease must be drafted and signed. The Buyer or Tenant may also wish to record a notice of lease on the land records.

If there are non-paying tenants, hold-over tenants, or tenants who simply don’t want to return phone calls, those tenants will need to be noticed and evicted.

why do I need a lawyer to write my will?

Why Do I Need an Attorney to Draft a Will?

Drafting a will stands as one of the most crucial tasks individuals undertake. It ensures our loved ones are cared for and our wishes respected after we’re gone. While some may consider drafting a will a straightforward process, the guidance of an experienced estate planning attorney can make a world of difference. Here’s why seeking legal counsel is invaluable when it comes to creating your Last Will and Testament:

  • Legal Expertise and Knowledge: Attorneys specializing in estate planning possess a deep understanding of the intricate laws and regulations governing wills. We stay updated on state-specific requirements, which ensures that your will is legally binding and executed (signed) according to State requirements. This expertise helps avoid common pitfalls and ensures that your will can withstand any legal challenges.
  • Customization to Your Unique Needs: Each individual’s situation is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely suffices when it comes to drafting a will. We work closely with you to understand your specific circumstances, financial situation, familial relationships, and personal wishes. Your will can tailor to reflect these nuances, ensuring that it accurately captures your intentions.
  • Comprehensive Estate Planning: Drafting a will is often just one aspect of comprehensive estate planning. We can help you navigate other critical elements such as setting up trusts, establishing powers of attorney, and drafting your healthcare directive in case of incapacity.
  • Minimizing Potential Disputes: Ambiguities or errors in a self-drafted will can lead to disputes among beneficiaries or challenges in probate court. We draft wills with precision and clarity, minimizing the likelihood of misinterpretation or contestation. This foresight can prevent emotional and financial strain on your family.
  • 5. Updates and Amendments: Life is dynamic, and circumstances can change unexpectedly. We can help you review your existing estate plan and update your will to reflect changes in your life such as marriage, divorce, births, or changes in financial status. This ensures that your will remains current and continues to reflect your wishes accurately.
  • 6. Peace of Mind: Perhaps most importantly, working with an attorney to draft your will provides you with peace of mind. Knowing that your wishes will be legally recognized and faithfully carried out can alleviate stress and uncertainty. It allows you to focus on enjoying life knowing that your legacy is secure.

While it may be tempting to draft a will independently, the benefits of consulting with a qualified attorney are significant. From legal expertise and customization to comprehensive estate planning and peace of mind, their guidance ensures that your final wishes are honored in the most effective and legally sound manner possible. When it comes to planning for the future, investing in professional legal counsel is an investment in your peace of mind, the well-being of your loved ones, and the preservation of your legacy.

buyers real estate closing attorney

Why Do I Need a Real Estate Closing Attorney to Buy a House?

Buying a House in CT or NY? You will need to hire a Real Estate Closing Attorney

If you are looking to buy a home in Connecticut or New York, you will need the services of a real estate closing attorney. A buyer’s closing attorney’s job is to protect their client legally and financially. This includes handling all of the contracts, clearing title and securing title insurance, and meeting all lender requirements.

What does a buyer’s real estate closing attorney do?

A buyer’s real estate  closing attorney helps coordinate the purchase of the property by making sure all laws are followed, his client is getting the property as promised, and by managing the finances. A buyer’s closing attorney performs the following functions:

  • Review the Exclusive Right to Buy or Sell Agreement and Dual Representation Waiver between the buyer and their real estate agent (if hired early enough);
  • Review preliminary title report Seller ownership issues;
  • Review and negotiate Purchase and Sale Contract with seller’s closing attorney;
  • Review mortgage commitment issued by the mortgage company and any conditions;
  • Order and review the title search to find any liens, mortgages, judgments or other issues;
  • Prepare buyer’s closing documents such as power of attorney;
  • Review seller’s closing documents including the Deed;
  • Review loan documents and meet all lender requirements;
  • Attend closing with, or on behalf of, the client;
  • Act as Settlement Agent for the Lender;
  • Handle all funds through escrow and make all necessary payments and disbursements;
  • Provide an accounting of funds to the client; and
  • Record all documents such as the Deed, Mortgage and, if necessary, Power of Attorney.

A buyer’s real estate closing attorney can minimize the stress and anxiety of buying a home by giving you somebody you can turn to with literally any question throughout the process. This is perhaps the biggest benefit.

If you are looking to buy a house or condo in Connecticut or New York, let us handle your real estate closing matters. We charge flat rate fees on closings, and we offer FREE phone consultations, so you can make sure we are the right attorney for you.

business contracts

Business Contract Drafting & Review

Business Contracts & Agreements

Every business depends upon agreements with co-owners, customers, suppliers, employees, financial institutions and investors, etc. Many agreements are not enforceable unless in writing. Even if not a requirement for enforcement, reducing an agreement to paper clarifies the terms, and the responsibilities of both parties. You need to protect your business by solidifying your business agreements into written business contracts.

A well written and thorough business contract acts as litigation avoidance. If the contract contains a term defining exactly how the parties should act there will be no need to litigate when that situation arises. This can save time, stress, and most importantly to your business, money.

If you are starting a business you need to have a business attorney draft or review your contracts. There are so many considerations and fine points in contract law! You need a professional on your side.

Experienced Business Contract Attorneys

Our business attorneys draft contracts between business co-owners:

  1. operating agreements, partnership agreements, and corporate bylaws
  2. shareholder agreements
  3. buyout agreements
  4. indemnification agreements
  5. non-disclosure agreements
  6. non-competition agreements

Our business attorneys draft contracts between businesses and employees including:

  1. general employment agreements
  2. severance agreements
  3. confidentiality agreements
  4. stock option agreements
  5. invention assignment agreement
  6. social media policies

Our business attorneys draft contracts between businesses and financial institutions/investors:

  1. business plans
  2. notes and mortgages
  3. venture capital term sheets
  4. stock purchase agreements
  5. shareholder agreements
  6. investor rights agreements
  7. corporate resolutions

Our business attorneys draft contracts between businesses and their customers:

  1. service contracts
  2. terms and conditions of sales agreements
  3. terms of use and disclaimers

Our business attorneys draft contracts between businesses and their suppliers:

  1. independent contractor agreements
  2. purchase orders
  3. delivery agreements
  4. net30 accounts
  5. escrow agreements

Our business attorneys draft contracts between businesses and other businesses:

  1. Joint venture and strategic partnership agreements
  2. non-competition agreements
  3. merger agreements
  4. leases
  5. licensing agreements
  6. assignment and assumption agreements

We also draft the entire spectrum of business succession contracts and documentation


Estate Planning, Real Estate & Business Attorney Licensed in Connecticut and New York

Glouzgal Law PLLC

Trusts, Wills, Living Wills & Power of Attorney

Real Estate Purchase, Sale or Refinance Closings

Starting or Selling a Business

Representing Clients Across Connecticut and New York

Call 203-885-0500 in CT

Call 917-284-8699 in NY

Rely On Us For Your Legal Needs 

We provide our clients with the legal counsel they need to handle the difficult issues impacting their lives and businesses.  While our clients approach us from different circumstances they all have the same need: legal counsel who put their well being first and provide sound advice while protecting their legal rights.



real estate lawyer brookfield

Real Estate

Our real estate attorneys navigate the oceans of paperwork involved with matters such as buying or selling a home or business property, short sale negotiation and closing, refinancing, foreclosure defense and landlord-tenant matters.

will lawyer brookfield ctEstate Planning

We help our clients gain peace of mind by protecting their assets and the financial stability of their loved ones. From simple wills and healthcare directives to family trusts, our estate planning attorneys offer an array of estate planning services.

business partner dispute resolution

Business Services

We represent business organizations and individual clients in the organization of their business. Our business law attorneys focus on the needs of local businesses offering legal services including formation, licensing with the State, and contract drafting.

  • I like working with Eugene. He is attentive and creative, and when it calls for being bold, he looks out for his clients. He is an excellent Real Estate Attorney. Every client I have had the pleasure of referring along to his services, shares the same gratitude for working with an Attorney who is both personable and professional.

    Moving North15 Avatar Moving North15
    July 23, 2021

    I wouldn’t want to work with anyone else. Eugene truly wants what’s best for his clients and provides an elevated level of service. His expert advice, thoughtful consideration to problem solving, and dedication to client satisfaction him exceptional. Highly recommend!

    Sean Gerrity Avatar Sean Gerrity
    July 16, 2024

    Great service, easy to get along with and available when you need them! Look forward to my next sale / purchase.

    Dan M Avatar Dan M
    July 23, 2022
  • I've had the privilege of working with Eugene, an estate planning and real estate attorney licensed in both CT and NY, for nearly a decade. Throughout the years, I have referred many clients to him, all of whom have reported back with nothing but praise. Eugene’s dedication to his clients is evident in every interaction. He combines deep legal expertise with a genuine care that ensures not just satisfaction, but peace of mind for all his clients. If you're seeking a trustworthy and proficient attorney for your estate planning or real estate needs, Eugene is the ideal choice. Highly recommended!

    Sara J Avatar Sara J
    June 25, 2024

    Eugene Glouzgal is extremely knowledgeable, thorough and takes time answering my questions. He has handled several of my legal transactions and is my go to. I highly recommend him!

    Donna Binetti Avatar Donna Binetti
    July 18, 2024

    I highly recommend Eugene Glouzgal. He handled my case with professionalism and achieve an outstanding result.He was available to answer my questions and concerns throughout the process.

    Lily Flittner Avatar Lily Flittner
    July 18, 2024


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